Send a gift

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Your gifts

excl. shipping
Delivery & gift handling is calculated at checkout. Gifts are delivered directly from brands, so items from different brands are delivered separately.


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Product Name
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3
1 x R550
Oooh! Your gift bag is empty
It's just waiting for something special to be added!

Sort out delivery

Send straight to their doorstep-perfect for when you want a classic delivery surprise!
Send a gift straight to their door – thoughtful and hassle-free. Perfect when you want to surprise them with something special, no extra steps needed.

Add a note

Your recipient will receive a hand-written note on a Memo card, when your gift is delivered.
a Memo branded card design that each gift recipient will receive
Set gift alerts
Gift notification enabled
We recommend you enable notifications so that there are no issues with delivery of your gifts.
Let your recipient know a gift is on the way, and send them the tracking number.
Gift notification disabled
We would recommend that you let your recipient know there is a gift on the way to avoid any issues with delivery.
Unless you're ordering this for yourself the order will be shipped to your recipient without any notifications.
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Secure and flexible payments powered by Paystack
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Send your gift digitally on the same day or schedule it for later! Your recipient can swap it or change the delivery details. Ideal for last-minute surprises.
An eGift can be sent via email ASAP or scheduled. It’s a thoughtful virtual delivery of a physical gift, perfect when you're short on time or want to give them the option to swap for something else

Add a note

Tap/click to choose or change a digital card
Digital cards designed in collaboration with
Set gift alerts



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Secure and flexible payments powered by Paystack and WigWag
Mastercard logoVisa logoOzow logoAmerican Express logo
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Your gift bag
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Product Name
Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3
Oooh! Your gift bag is empty
It's just waiting for something special to be added!